Principal Psychologist
Valuing people and performance
As a registered psychologist, with experience in both organisational and counselling psychology, Briony has developed a unique skill set, which enables her to consult across diverse areas. As a result of her training and experience, she is particularly skilled in providing people solutions where sensitivity, trust, integrity and well-being is paramount.
Briony is a registered psychologist and an experienced coach and group facilitator, specialising in the areas of people leadership, change and transition management, career development, workplace relationships, professional communication, team effectiveness, well-being and emotional health.
Briony started her own psychological practice in 2013 and has since partnered with a range of organisations and individuals to deliver contemporary, individual solutions. Briony focuses on individual well-being, together with performance outcome.
Previous clients have included Telstra, Coles Myer, Qantas, Boral, Suncorp Metway, Westfield, Energy Australia, Toyota Australia, Melbourne Airports, Robert Bosch Australia, Spotless Services, Downer EDI, Sydney IVF, and more recently Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland Health, Engineering / Construction consulting organisations, Queensland Sugar Limited, Hastings Deering and Transurban.
As a mother of two children and a business owner, Briony does her best to keep most of her balls in the air most of the time. Given the enormous pressures on people today, Briony understands the need for prompt and practical solutions which enable individuals and organisations to adapt and thrive.
Her qualifications include:
⦁ Registered Psychologist, Australian Health Practioners Registration Board (AHPRA)
⦁ Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
⦁ Graduate Diploma of Applied Science (Applied Psychology)